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Prayer Alert - July 2016

By Prayer Alerts |  July 20, 2016

Prayer Alert - July 2016

Phase 2 of Puente Community Center Project #20142 -- $60,000 by Sept. 1st
Pray for strategic connections with potential partners who will help us purchase and expand the Puente (the "Bridge") university ministry center, from which we are seeing Life Change in university students on several campuses across the Dominican Republic.

Phase 3 & 4 of Puente Community Center Project #20142 - 
         Dec. 15 -- decision on whether we will choose purchase OPTION A: FIRST FLOOR of building or OPTION B: ENTIRE PROPERTY (two story building plus outlying building and parking area).
         June 2017 -- make final payment (if option A:  $80,000; if option B: $300,000)

Itineration Travels -- safety, health, strength.  We begin visiting churches all across the Northwest (primarily) in July 2016 and will continue until July 2017.  

New Budget -- increase of $2000/month  (due to medical premium increases, children's schooling (yep, they are entering Kindergarten and 2nd grade now.)  Plus have a few thousand in previous commitments to make up as those are not being sent in to our account.

Our Uconexion ministry team (university ministry):  hosting our 2nd annual University Ministry Institute on August 12-14th.
      Pray for many new university students to attend and begin launch on their campuses.
      Pray for the Univ of Memphis Chi Alpha team who will be helping us host the event, speaking in many of the services and workshops.
      Pray for Kristi and Anny on our national team who will be speaking at the event.  Wisdom and annointing from the Holy Spirit.
      Pray for students to be Baptized in the Holy Spirit!

Our National MDA ministry team (teen ministry):  increased opportunity to visit public schools and encourage students to be campus missionaries in their schools.

