Prayer Alert - October 2011
By Prayer Alerts | October 20, 2011
Specific Current Prayer requests:
1. Finishing raising our budget in order to return to mission field in January.
a. $21,000 cash
2. Benefit Concert on Nov 18
a. We’re going to do a concert, inviting specific people to come enjoy an evening of jazz and to have an opportunity to make an investment in the missions’ ministry.
b. Pray for 100 people to attend
c. Pray that they make significant donations (we’d like to wipe out the budget that one night!)
3. Youth Outreach Center
a. Goal to begin this ministry in 2012. Pray for location, relationship building with key leaders in community, and God to guide us through the process.
b. In order to love on students … tutoring, English classes, after school programs, etc.